Liar Liar Pants on Fire - The Continuing Saga of Ryan Lochte

As discussed at length in our soon-to-be released podcast from this weekend, it turns out that Ryan Lochte is not the innocent victim of an armed robber masquerading as a police officer but instead a drunk dude-bro who made a series of increasingly poor decisions (including public urination, lying to his mother, lying to Matt Lauer, lying to the police, fleeing the country and leaving his friends behind to deal with the aftermath of his lies).  This parade of bullshit culminated in three of his teammates being detained by Brazilian police, him providing not one but two of the worst apologies in the history of apologies and losing, at last count, three sponsors.

While I could (and did) go on and on about this - I think Al Roker perfectly expresses what so many of us have been thinking:

Just keep stirring that caipirinha, Al.

~ B